January 16, 2010 Fernie Kinky Rail Jam.
Saturday morning started very very early with my alarm clock ringing at 4am + 10 minute snooze. I was out the door by 4:40am and on the road to Fernie with the girls, Jenna and Kylee, by 6am.
My intentions for travelling out to fernie initially, was to practice using my new dSLR and maybe enter the comp if the park looked fun. So as it turns out the park setup looked really cool with a variety of boxes and rails from S-L, the sun was shinning and just to add one more argument in favor of signing up, it turned out to be mathematically logical to enter the competition.
- cost of entry = $20+gst
- iff you enter in competition you receive 20% off lift (approx. $20)
- $20 bib deposit, fully refunded with bib returned
- bag of treats = chips, chocolate bar, candy (how easily I am persuaded)
- a comp volunteer also volunteered to hold onto my camera incase I wanted to take pics for other heats
= SOLD and now contestant #16
The contest was Jam format and the ladies group was combined with the men's. OK here we go second contest ever.
The Girls hiking, werk it werk it
As the jam started (12.30-1.30pm), I quickly learned alot about myself in a few runs:
1) left over christmas weight was making my feet quite heavy 2) I am out of shape 3) my hiking technique could be improved from tiny strides to something normal . . . I wish the magic carpet would magically appear (I have become so spoiled at COP).
I have to admit I had such a great time participating and I don't just mean shredding the park. All the girls were so friendly and encouraging to one another. The volunteer events team were so nice and really helped make the day so pleasant with big smiles on their faces non-stop.
Top: Events team showing where. Over Where? Over there!
Bottom: New friends
After an hour of hike and drop in jamming; Jenna, Kylee and myself hung around the park for another hour or so, took some pics and worked on a few tricks. Jenna was killing it on the metal death rails and the crazy kinked box, just attacking it . . . full speed ahead captain. Kylee added three new tricks to her bag (I don't know anyone who gets three as in 3 new tricks in less than 30 minutes).
Top:Jenna on the Kinky Box
Bottom: Miss Kylee Front Siding
I want to thank these wonderful ladies for the early morning drive, the song that was stuck in my head all day, the powder turns, star fish slides, MJ's to log rolls, to slow-mo body rolls and car dancing and singing and ofcourse high beaming . . .
So Good: Kylee, me, Jenna