
It's the freedom of expression. Everyone has a different stance, a different style, a different technique, a different line, a different run, a different experience. When you see a crew run a set in sequence and although all may look similar, there are unique variances in each person's steeze that makes each individual person a star in their own right. Freeride. Freestyle. Back country. Street. Park. Pipe. The boundaries are constantly being pushed and broken. We are all the same. Snowboarders. But were are all unique. We ride rocker or cambered decks. We ride powder boards or short jib sticks. We wear flashy baggy kits or tight emo pants. The opportunity for individualism and self expression is limited only by the imagination of the individual.
-Katherine Calnan



Sunday in Sunshine

The past weekend I was fortunate enough to make it to Sunshine with my sister and her boyfriend and we were graced with perfect weather and good times.  Here is a little recap:

Quick CASI lesson on linking turns and keeping the movements regular... i mean consistent. 

 Airs powered by complete (as opposed to incomplete) proteins.

Lift line yeller . . . Suzanne, suzanne suzanne .... turn around!


Christmas Eve and back on the hills

Merry Christmas To one and All! 

May the new year bring you fresh lines, tons of powder, blue bird skies and all the new tricks your little heart desires. 


I rode, I fell, I left

Went snowboarding Saturday. Fell really hard into solid ice at -32 degree celsius weather. Got up and sometimes you just got to call it a day.

Fall seven times, stand up eight.        
-Japanese proverb


Last night was a goggle night cause the snow gods were working:


Goggles or Waterproof Mascara

Last night at COP was GREAT! Perfect snow, minimal wind swept areas and solid landings in the park. I was feeling good, feeling confident and then . . .  total girl moment.
Just call me clockwork orange or snowgoth. Either one would have defined me last night. Lesson Learned wear GOGGLES OR WATERPROOF MASCARA. You know what, even both if you are shredding hard. Which we always are!


If there is a Will, there is a Way

Since I haven't ridden Friday (well one run doesn't count), Saturday (so windy it would push me off the boxes) or Sunday (rocked the Party Cardi the night before). I am really feeling anxious to snowboard. COP has been closed yesterday and tonight,  so decided it is time to test the back yard jib that we built on Sunday.

If there is a will, there is a way! Or at least an excuse to put on my snowboard gear.

Garbage lid to spin on:

AND the box setup:


Pre Snowboarding Day Research (LOCAL)

Check these sites to optimize and plan for your fun filled snowboard days


Index: http://www.theweathernetwork.com/hwycond/cancities_hwy_en
Alberta http://www.theweathernetwork.com/index.php?product=hwycond&pagecontent=ab

Resort Conditions
COP http://www.winsportcanada.ca/cop/aboutcop/area_closures.cfm
Nakiska http://www.skinakiska.com/conditions/snow-report.aspx
Sunshine http://www.skibanff.com/conditions/snow_report.php
Mount Norquay http://www.banffnorquay.com/
Lake Louise http://www.skilouise.com/conditions/snow-report.aspx

site with all resorts: http://www.skireport.com/?utm_source=snowreport
(go to Canada box, LHS second down)


Get into routine of checking these sites out to either help your drive or call into work for a snow day!

Blizzard in town

Originally I was going to talk about board basics, the breakdown of a snowboard, all the boards I have been through in my past few years of riding, my perfect board and some tips on how to find your perfect board.
 . . . . .  then the BLIZZARD rolled in.

By definition, according to Environment Canada, a Blizzard must meet the following criteria:
- must have winds of 40 km/h or more
- have snow or blowing snow
- visibility less than 1 km and a windchill of less than -25 degrees celsius.
- All of these conditions must last for 4 hours or more.

When these conditions persist after snow has stopped falling, it is called a ground blizzard.

So, yesterday (friday) I took the day off work (yes I work. Just because I mostly blog about snowboarding doesn`t mean that is all I do) and the blizzard strolled in. Being my day off, it can be assumed snowboarding would be a given. Funny thing. Tons of snow and too much wind put a hault on the plan. Got to COP or shall I say the snow desert. I think it was the exact same snow desert from Star Wars Episode V. Can someone look it up, I think that part of the movie was filmed exactly where I was standing.

So in summary couldn`t see a thing and the wind was pushing me up the mountain.

Oh well lets just hike the park. WHAT!!! closed. should have checked the site before we got there. See next post for websites you should check before you to the mountains. 
Well, PLAN B. Set up the boxes that we made and have a private session in a nice location out of the wind. Unfotunately, the combination of variables OUT + OF + THE + WIND = does not exist. 


Rider Profile

This Blog has a profile that I could fill out. Unfortunately, they want to know interests, favorite books, etc. That type of profile is just not going to cut it for my purposes. See Below:

Rider Profile
Home Mountain: COP, Sunshine, sometimes Lake Louise
Stance: Goofy
Board: GNU B-Street 141 BTX
Boots: 32 Lashed
Binding: B by Burton
Stance Width: 22" (Apparently when you rock a wide stance it is called riding stinky*)
Angles: 18 and -15
Special Tuning: no edges

Do you CASI dance: Why yes, I do indeed! Level 1 and Park Instructor. Hello Level 2 this year.
Food: Everything, but I really love cheese
Drink: Coffee from tim's Large 2 cream, Latte from Second Cup caramel Coretto, Frappuccino from Starbucks,  Red wine, PIM's...... it is always Pim's O'clock, slurpee from Macs after a day of riding and water
Fav Shows: HIMYM, the best ever. Every Monday JEN!
Hobbies: Snowboarding, sewing, yoga, jogging and reading
Fav Holiday Spot: Tofino

* Note font in this nice blue color and italcized means this is actually a term


First Post

Welcome to my blog 
Hello and welcome to my first blog
Hi my name is katherine, kat for short and this is my first blog.... 
Suzi just made fun of me for how long this is taking me

So you are probably wondering who is this amateur blogger and what is she going to be writing about?
Well . . . First things first, my name is Kat and I like to snowboard. 


The theme and underlying reason for my blogging is to share my snowboarding adventures and share a few things that I have learned along the way. 

A little background, I started snowboarding a few years back (thanks for the lessons Suzi) and was instantly hooked. I found myself going every weekend to the mountains with a close group of friends and as many times as I could mid week at COP. I have even met the love of my life, Simon, on the beautiful mountain slopes of Sunshine. So you get the idea.
This year started early with a few park sessions at COP which was a great warm up for this season. 

(COP making snow)
     (Park set up: 2 small boxes and a long box)

Just Last weekend was my first couple times out to the mountains and it was great snow and amazing company. Friday went to Sunshine with Suzi and Vik, but also got to meet up with some fellow park instructors Stephen and Josh. Saturday helped out a friend and got her linking turns and we had such a blast! Sunday back to Sunshine with the boys. And that is my typical weekend. Wheelies, 180's, 360's, boardslides, etc .... Love it. 

Happy Shred Everyone!