
It's the freedom of expression. Everyone has a different stance, a different style, a different technique, a different line, a different run, a different experience. When you see a crew run a set in sequence and although all may look similar, there are unique variances in each person's steeze that makes each individual person a star in their own right. Freeride. Freestyle. Back country. Street. Park. Pipe. The boundaries are constantly being pushed and broken. We are all the same. Snowboarders. But were are all unique. We ride rocker or cambered decks. We ride powder boards or short jib sticks. We wear flashy baggy kits or tight emo pants. The opportunity for individualism and self expression is limited only by the imagination of the individual.
-Katherine Calnan



If there is a Will, there is a Way

Since I haven't ridden Friday (well one run doesn't count), Saturday (so windy it would push me off the boxes) or Sunday (rocked the Party Cardi the night before). I am really feeling anxious to snowboard. COP has been closed yesterday and tonight,  so decided it is time to test the back yard jib that we built on Sunday.

If there is a will, there is a way! Or at least an excuse to put on my snowboard gear.

Garbage lid to spin on:

AND the box setup:

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